Friday, October 17, 2008

Presidential Death and Political Revolution

A repeated disturbing politically incorrect conversation I either heard or participated in during my 2008 summer-fall pre-election visit to the U.S. was of the death in office of the next president. President McCain of natural causes, but President Obama by assassination. The belief by so many Americans that both McCain and Obama could die in office caught me off-guard ─ and was frankly, revolting and offensive.

I can understand and accept the reality of McCain’s age and ill health and the concern, fear and embarrassment the thought of President Sarah Palin evokes. It is therefore no surprise that Obama, for numerous rational core competitive reasons, is starting to pull ahead of McCain in the polls. He is not only more qualified to lead the country out of the economic, financial and military quagmire it is in, but has a seasoned vice president.

The fact that people at Palin rallies yell out “Kill Him” without being reprimanded by the candidate and that so many Americans take it for granted that “That One” will be assassinated if elected president because America “really” isn’t ready for a black president is not only offensive ─ but suicidal thinking.

Suicidal because a 21st-century political assassination in America in the 20th-century mold of the Martin Luther King, John and Bobby Kennedy assassinations, will plunge America into a political revolution the likes of which America has not seen since the founding of the Republic.

The fact is, America has failed to come to terms with its continuously changing cultural, economic and religious fabric. Mythology replaced reality. Spirituality has failed to keep up with technology. Debt has consumed equity. America has undergone a tremendous transformation since the Pilgrims landed. America has changed from vanilla WASP to Cherry Garcia white patched butterfly, with butterfly ballots. Or is it a multicultural scoop of Ooey Gooey cake? Apple pie America is a racial blender of caramelized apple. Senator Barack Obama is a representative of what America is and has to be accepted and supported as such if elected president. There is no room for discussions or thoughts of anything else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama cares nothing about the 3rd party voters, he said nothing in his speech to include us. My guess by his lack of inclusion tells me that he will do everything to snuff us out, or find a way to filter our blogs, or concerns. He will do what they did at his convention, jail reporters who report the concerns of the other "WE THE PEOPLE". As a reminder Mr. Obama, we are also part of America, you can choose to exclude us, but we will continue to raise our voice, because this is America, and it is our right. You can try to hush us, jail us, pass laws that will not allow us to speak, but in the end, we will not stop. You can put us on your watch lists, make our life a living hell, but we are still "WE THE PEOPLE" and we still have the right to be heard. You are to represent us, hear from us, acknowledge us, and treat us with respect as Americans with a different point of view. You have so far, refused to extend the olive branch, you want change... but only with your people, not with the 3rd party voters that are still part of "WE THE PEOPLE". Thanks, but now I see, you are not willing to be my President.

Faith McGary,

Bethlehem, PA

1:47 AM  

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