Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Change: Obama/Palin Style

Change Obama/Palin Style (“COPS”) is exactly what America needs ─ or is it? The operative political consensus from both Senators McCain and Obama is that “change” is coming to Washington and the Beltway insiders are in for an unpleasant shake’n’ bake-wakeup call no matter who wins. America is going to have to come to grips with a change that is going to not only shakeup D.C., but the world. First term senator-African-American president, or small state woman governor-vice president, regardless of their experience and credentials, is unquestionably a 21st-century revolutionary change in U.S, politics. It is going to be one or the other. Either way it is a welcome change.

The ailing U.S. economy is the number one issue of the 2008 presidential election. Foreign affairs, national security and the conflicts in the Middle East and the Caucuses ─ and of course the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ─ play second fiddle. Most American voters know very little about U.S. foreign policy and care even less. Their number one concern is domestic policy, which includes employment, an affordable home, health care and education for their children. Unemployment hit its highest monthly rate in five years as Republican Vice President Sarah Palin accepted her party’s nomination. U.S. joblessness rate shot up to 6.1 percent in August during the American political convention season while China basked in the glory of its outstanding opening-closing ceremony showmanship and stellar gold medal performance at the Beijing 2008 Olympics. America, notwithstanding the brilliant performance of the Redeem Team, came in a distant second in the gold medal count.

America is in desperate need for change, something both U.S. presidential contenders and their vice presidential nominees recognize and are addressing. The reality is that both the Democratic and Republican senators vying for the presidency are maverick Beltway politicos. Neither one has accepted or played by party conventional rules. Add to that a vice president that is not a traditional Beltway insider ─ notwithstanding her traditional values ─ and one has to acknowledge change is on its way to D.C.

Is the change, regardless of which party wins good for America? The criticism of both Obama and Palin is their lack of experience. What experience? The Washington Beltway “Good Ol’ Boy Network” failed domestic and foreign policies experience? Where does one start? Education, health care, housing, employment, social security, Medicare, federal deficit, failed foreign policies in the Middle East, the Americas, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, China…? Change, regardless of which party wins with their inexperienced team will be a refreshing political Redeem Team that can hopefully bring the change America so desperately needs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sick of Red and Blue? Wear your support of neither!

11:53 PM  

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