Religion, Sex and Politics
The political mudslinging that spreads hatred and lies about candidates running for office hit an unprecedented high in the Clinton-Obama contest for the democratic nomination. Americans can be forgiven if they are confused by the political expression, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Americans debate what Reverend Wright, a former Marine, said and meant and whose enemy he really is.
But then again, America deposes and executes Saddam Hussein, a secular Sunni, and replaces his government with a democratically elected religious coalition supported by Iran. The anti-democratic and anti-American-coalition occupation Sunni insurgent Saddam loyalists, backed by Syria and U.S. friend, ally and protectorate Saudi Arabia, contribute more than their fair share of support for the political and military confrontations that kill and maim U.S. and coalition military and civilian personnel, along with countless innocent Iraqi civilians.
Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia raised and contributed to America and the world ─ Osama bin-Laden, 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers, and Sunni insurgents combating Shiite militias backed by Iran, yet they are, according to the Bush-dominated dynasty political spin doctors, a friend of America. To add fuel to the fire of confusion, Syrians, Iranians, Saudis and all three factions of Iraqis hate Israelis and distrust Jews. Democratic Israel, where Arabs sit in parliament, is vitally dependent on U.S. military and economic support to live comfortably while being stressed out by their determined, fanatical, suicidal neighbors hell bent on annihilating Israel. Yet the democratic primary debates only briefly touch upon these critical geopolitical issues vital to America’s security.
Foreigners visiting America can be forgiven if they believe only gays, pedophiles, peaceniks and bigots run for political office. Sex, religion and Democratic Party politics is resulting in the implosion of the Democratic Party and another possible Republican administration in the White House.