Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Iran Connection

The U.S. claims that Iran enriches uranium to weapons grade at its Bushehr nuclear facility in violation of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and that Iran did co-operate and work with al-Qaeda. Iran also has oil. Iran is the world’s second-largest oil producer, boasts 10 percent of global deposits and its natural gas deposits are the largest after Russia. Yet the Bush administration ignored the Iran connections because of its obsession to blame Iraq, according to former White House counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke. It was also an Iranian, Saif al-Adel, the military head of al-Qaeda, who planned the 9/11 attacks. The 9/11 Commission report says Iran may have provided eight to 10 of the al-Qaeda hijackers with safe passage to and from training camps in Afghanistan. Iran provided “clean” passports for the “muscle hijackers” to transit Iran to and from bin Laden’s training camps between October 2000 and February 2001.

The Commission report says at one point Iran proposed collaborating on attacks against America but bin Laden declined, saying he did not want to alienate his supporters in Saudi Arabia. Iran granted safe haven and harbored al-Qaeda militants who escaped from Afghanistan. So the obvious question is, why did America not go to war against Iran where it will truly be welcomed as a liberator? Did America go to war against the wrong country because of another Bush mispronunciation?

Of course I say this with tongue in cheek because going to war against Iran is going to make the Iraq war look like a picnic. However, if they have verifiable nuclear programs that pose a threat to America then all the U.S. has to do with its sophisticated military machine is target and take out those nuclear facilities as Israel did in 1981 on the Osirak nuclear facility in Iraq without committing any ground forces.


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